Get your firmware building in a CI/CD

Our Integrated Firmware Development Environment (IFDE) can help you develop firmware for your embedded devices faster. It supports a wide range of hardware configurations, provides the high level of fidelity needed to guarantee your firmware runs correctly, and is fast enough to be useful in a CI/CD environment.

How it works

Wide range of hardware configurations

Our IFDE uses Ghidra’s PCODE as its native language. This means any system that can be modelled in PCODE can be run in our IFDE. We currently have models of a MIPS 32bit Huawei ADSL router, an ARM5 Foscam security camera, an Infineon Tricore SoC, an ADSP Sharc, and a Coldfire SoC. We are in the process or supporting an ARM8 Beaglebone Black.

High Fidelity

Since we are using Ghidra’s PCODE, our IFDE takes advantage of the atomic nature of that language to model data transformations accurately. It does not take shortcuts in instruction emulation to gain speed. By focusing on data integrity, our IFDE ensures that your software functions exactly as it would on hardware.


Since we are concerned with data transformations and not with transistor level or clock cycle accuracy, out IFDE is fast enough to be run in a modern CI/CD environment. Getting your firwmare building and testing in a CI/CD will modernize your development process and signficantly improve your ability to generate firmware faster.